Dorset red poppy field, 2019.

Red poppy field, Dorset, June 2019.

Dorset red poppy fields have been very scarce this year – even more so than usual.

I found this one tucked away in the north of the county. There they were, a big splash of red, rising up amongst the green stems of rapeseed that had just finished flowering.

Completely invisible from the road, these lovely flowers were a welcome sight, as I’d almost given up finding any red poppies in Dorset this year.

In fact, I discovered this field a week ago, but at the time the sky was a ‘white out’. As a result, I decided to wait for better weather before taking any pictures.

The problem with red poppy fields is that they are now much rarer due to modern agricultural methods. That made this find all the more welcome.

Sadly, it will only be a day or two before all trace of these delicate, red blooms has vanished.

» Questions I’ve been asked about red poppy fields.