
Springtime In Poole Park

Jun 1, 2023

Spring has arrived in Poole Park. The once-dormant trees have awakened from their wintry slumber, flowers are unfolding and the gentle rays of the sun play upon the Park’s lakes. I do love this time of year because there’s something very special about it: it feels as if there is hope and joy and a while lot more.

Garden of Memories and Reflection

Poole Park’s ‘Garden of Memories and Reflection’ (formerly ‘Rose Garden’) is now a riot of colours: a floral tapestry of reds, pinks, yellows, oranges, creams and whites. A variety of flowers proudly display their elegant petals to the passersby who wander in, many stopping to take a few photos and also to smell the roses. Other people sit awhile on one of several benches, taking in the beautiful garden.

In a secluded part of the Park, close to a lake, a heartwarming sight unfolds. Families of goslings, with fuzzy yellow feathers and tiny webbed feet, have ventured out into the world, protected by the watchful eyes of their parent geese. Get too close and they will certainly hiss at you!

Fluffy and endearing, their cuteness has drawn the attention of many of Poole Park’s visitors, including me. Soon, they will turn into young geese, ready to face the world with their newfound independence.

The Fox of Poole Park

Poole Park’s resident fox makes an appearance every evening, scouting around for easy pickings. Of course, there may be more than one fox, but I’ve seen the same one several times now.

The fox is pretty tame and not too worried about people and I’ve seen someone feeding him/her with lumps of meat. Every so often the fox goes on the prowl and attempts to chase after some of the birds, but they soon gang up on the fox and it leaves.

Pink Poppies Dorset 2024

For several reasons, I’d decided not to photograph Dorset’s pink poppies this year. But, as time went on I knew I’d have to get out there again. I took advantage of a brief slice of sunny weather, albeit with threatening-looking clouds, and there I was, back in a huge poppy field. For the tenth year in a row.

‘Restore Nature Now’ Protest, London

80-100k protestors peacefully marched through London today at the ‘Restore Nature Now’ protest. They had one common goal: to demand the next government stops ignoring the nature crisis and takes urgent action.

Red Poppy Field, Wiltshire

I made an early morning trip to Wiltshire to see a huge field of red poppies. The location couldn’t be seen from any road, but the trek to see the red poppies was so worth it.

Northern Lights Over The New Forest

In the early hours of Saturday 10th May, in a rare spectacle for the south, the New Forest was temporarily bathed in hues of pink, yellow, and green.

Orchids At Corfe Mullen Meadows Nature Reserve, Dorset

Corfe Mullen Meadows comprises a 5-hectare traditional hay meadow, with a wealth of wildflowers, especially orchids. Managed by Dorset Wildlife Trust, this place is a hidden gem, especially for Anacamptis morio, the green-winged orchid.

The Solitary Pasqueflower, Martin Down NNR

Hidden away in the 350 hectares of unspoiled chalk downland at Martin Down, on the Hampshire/Dorset border, is this solitary pasqueflower plant.

Signs Of Spring At Holme For Gardens, Wareham

At Holme For Gardens, in Wareham, all sorts of flowers are starting to pop up in the borders of the formal gardens: irises, hyacinths, crocuses, snowdrops, hellebores, heather and a lot more.

River Frome flooding at Wareham

Fields at Holmebridge and East Holme, near Wareham, have been transformed into lakes as the River Frome overflows its banks.

Autumn In Poole Park

The days are growing shorter, the air crisper and the summer’s vibrant greens have faded. In Poole Park a symphony of fiery colours marks the arrival of autumn.

A Dorset Red Poppy Field In November?

I was driving home after photographing autumn colours in Dorset woodland, when I spotted a red poppy field. It’s mid-November, so this is an amazing find.
