Purbeck Funeral for Nature

Purbeck Funeral for Nature

‘Purbeck Funeral for Nature’ was a symbolic performance held in Swanage today, thinking about species facing extinction, and the people who have already died due to climate change. 14th July 2024 was chosen for the procession because it is the day before...
Pink Poppies Dorset 2024

Pink Poppies Dorset 2024

For several reasons, I’d decided not to photograph Dorset’s pink poppies this year. But, as time went on I knew I’d have to get out there again. I took advantage of a brief slice of sunny weather, albeit with threatening-looking clouds, and there I...
Red Poppy Field, Wiltshire

Red Poppy Field, Wiltshire

Wiltshire red poppies 2024 In the absence of any red poppy fields in Dorset (as yet), I made an early morning trip to Wiltshire to see a huge field of red poppies. It was a bit of a trek to get to the location, which can’t be seen from any road, but it was so...