
This morning I was up at an extremely unsocial hour of the day in order to take sunrise photos of a field of white daisies in Dorset (ox-eye daisies).  I’d spotted the beautiful white daisies – Leucanthemum vulgare – the same day that I’d made a futile trip to find a red poppy field, only to discover that the farmer had mown the poppies a day or so earlier.

As I trudged through the almost waist high daisies I realised that although I had my wellies on I’d forgotten to wear waterproof trousers. Within just a few minutes I was soaked from the knees up with the morning dew – but hey it’s all in the name of art, of course!

As the sun rose you could see insects warming themselves on the white flowers, perfect subjects for photos before they became warm enough to move away.

All too soon the golden light changed and the ‘perfect moment’ was gone. Goodbye 2017 ox-eye daisies… see you next year.

White daisies! Very first light at an ox-eye daisy field in Dorset.

Dorset white daisies… very first light at a white, ox-eye daisy field Dorset, 2017.